Monday 25 November 2019

My favorite music artist

 My favorite music Artist

   My favorite music artist is "Ikimono Gakari".

   There are 3 member of it. Kiyoe, Yoshiki, Hotaka. Kiyoe is the main vocal. Her voice is powerful but so beautiful. Yoshiki and Hotaka sometimes sing. they play guitar and other music instruments such as harmonica.

   All of members can write words and music. Their songs make me so happy and cheer me up. My favorite their song is "Zyoifuru”. I think this song is very popular. The words and tempo of this song are very pop. So this song give me energy. Whenever they sing this song at their concert, not only them but also we can sing , dance, and jump!! This group has many cheerful songs, but I like  "Zyoifuru” this song the best.
  I want you to listen to their songs and go to their concerts.

                                                                     Thank you your reading 

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