Wednesday 23 October 2019


 Hello everyone, I'm Ayano Sekiguchi. I study psychology at the university.

 I'm from Saitama, and I live in there now. 
 There are five people in my family. Father, mother, brother, grandmother, and me. My brother lives in Tokyo alone because he works in Tokyo.Both my parents work as teacher in Saitama. My grandmother dose housework a lot. She made delicious and nourishing foods every day. I appreciate her very much. 
  I have a rabbit . Her name is ”Happy”. She came my home 14 years ago. When she came to my home, she was  a newborn. So she is 14 years old now. So she is elderly.

  I play violin and I’m in orchestra circle in Waseda. We practice three times a week. All of the members are very good at playing the instruments and practice so hard. So I practice hard too.

Thank you for reading my today's blog to the end. I want to talk with you a lot.

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